Monday, April 07, 2003

As a member of the church that proudly proclaims "sola gratia, sola fides, sola scriptura", I must point out that the sermon my Pastor gave yesterday focused on...the gospel (John 12: 20-32) and the revelation of Christ's glory on the cross now that his hour has come. On Friday I attended a marvellous vespers service that featured the performance of Bach's St. Johns Passion. Bach, another adherent to "sola gratia, sola fides, sola scriptura", emphasizes throughout this work the paradox that Christ had to be bound for us to be freed, and the Pastor there gave a fine sermon on this. All this sola scriptura action and yet not once have I had the experience that the good Doctor passionately and vividly describes. Thus I must differ from his opinion that sola scriptura is to blame. I would say rather that a lack of adherence to sola scriptura is to blame. The proper application of sola scriptura, you see, leads to a focus not on this world, but the next.

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