Thursday, October 02, 2008

Phew, I'm Awake

Judging by the focus group's (aka Mrs. Potomac's) reaction, I'd say Our Sarah had a pretty good night. She was real and down-to-earth and, in the words of the Weekly Standard, "smart as hell." Biden was just about what you'd expect from a senator with 32 years experience: well-versed and smooth. But (and it's a big one) he was talking to Ifill, with all the Sunday morning talk show glibness we'd expect, while Our Sarah, doggonit-Joe-say-it-ain't-so, was talking to America.

The CBS focus group called it for Obama; Fox's went overwhelmingly for Palin. Let's see if the polls go bounce in the night.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree. Not a homerun, but a solid double. Good enough not to be a drag on the ticket, and she continues to be the reason conservatives will be willing to walk precincts.

Republican leaders seem pretty down-in-the-mouth about our chances. Krauthammer has declared Obama the winner in today's Post. But I disagree. Obama is an unreconstructed liberal/radical. The country isn't that. This election will be very close at worst, and McCain still has about a 50-50 chance of winning. This thing is far from over.