Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Dr. Potomac's Memo

Pity the poor New Hampshirites! Subjected to the quadrennial burden of exercising grossly disproportionate influence of dubious quality on the American political system. I can see as how they -- and we -- would need a break. Anyone else in favor of making, say, Texas the first-in-the-nation primary?

Dr. Potomac reverts to his post following the Iowa Caucus: Senator John F. Kerry is the overwhelming favorite to win the Democratic nomination for President. (As an aside, do you think the Democrats are flocking to Kerry in part because it will allow them to chant, "All the Way With JFK!" thus committing Camelot in their hearts?) Pollsters are reporting significant surges for Kerry in most of the February 3 primary states although I should think South Carolina remains a bit of a hurdle for him. The Bush campaign now needs to focus like a laser-beam on Senator Kerry's record and get ready to rumble.

The most significant political problem Kerry faces is how to defeat Dr. Dean in such a way that he is able to keep his vanquished foe in the party and tap the energy of the Deaniacs. Killing him softly is the challenge and it won't be an easy one. Dean's spokesmen are promising to "live off roots and berries" if need be to continue the campaign. This is all very shades of Gary Hart in 1984 who pursued poor old Fritz Mondale all the way to the convention.

Those truly committed to the re-election of President Bush ought to consider making a contribution to the Dean campaign and signing up to hand out literature. Our motto: "Let's you and him fight!"

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