Wednesday, January 21, 2004

BBC Bias

Compare headlines:

Boston Globe: "President firm on Iraq, terror, urges more action on economy"

Boston Herald: "President lays the groundwork for his re-election"

Manchester Union Leader: "Bush speech sets reelection themes"

Nashua Telegraph: "Bush Looks to Stay Course"

Concord Monitor: "President defends war, tax cuts"

Washington Post: "Bush Defends Iraq War, Economic Policy"

These are a mix of local and national newspapers, of liberal and conservative editorial policies. Now look at today's BBC lead headline:

BBC: "Democrats Slam 'Go-it-alone' Bush"

They highlight the Democratic response, not the SOTU. And you wonder why so many in the UK and US think the BBC (with a pile of public money) is in the advocacy business rather than news reporting.

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