Saturday, May 31, 2003

A few do-dads

A good sign or just coincidence? Anglicans and Presbytarians putting the clamps on homosexuality. Just to keep us honest, however, what would the day be without a story critical of the Catholic Church? Or yet more evidence that anti-Catholicism is the last acceptable (and last legal) prejudice in America today?

Weekly Standard's Bill Kristol also deflates the latest Blue America anti-Bushism, a Clintonian twisting of language by Vanity Fair. But wouldn't life be dull if they weren't so duplicitous and cunning?

Isn't it comforting to know so many French waiters are on the verge of unemployment? Americans are staying home and vacationing in the U.S., and avoiding the predictable catcalls of old Europe. Good. Instead, how about a sojourn to, say, Poland, one of America's firmest new allies?

And this Spectator article both tickled and annoyed me, written amongst the American Paleocons as they trapse across France, doing what they can to spread the Yankee dollars. Ugh. It must be extremely difficult going through life thinking that human life took a turn for the worse 600 years before you were born.

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