Friday, October 29, 2004

Report From a Big, Fat Battleground State

Dr. Potomac is currently in a big, fat battleground state...I won't be more specific than that. On the authority of almost 24 hours here, I will make the following prediction. BUSH WINS. In almost 20 years of doing this stuff (for both parties, mind you) I have never seen a machine like this. It is kind of like Iraq War II: yes, there's technically an "Iraqi army" but it is up
against the Marine Expeditionary Force, the First Infantry Division and 2000 high-performance jet fighters. The Democratic 527s here are the fedayeen -- irregular forces engaged in guerilla activity. Lawsuits (RPGs), attacks on GOP headquarters, roadside assaults on campaign signs, etc. Harassing actions to slow but not stop.

I don't think they will show much on election day.

And where is President Bush? Minnesota, Michigan, New Jersey. Turns out Kerry's in those places, too. Don't listen to what they say. Watch what they do.

"What is good in life, Conan?"

"To crush your enemies, see them driven before you and hear the
lamantations of the women."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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