Tuesday, March 02, 2004

The new wave of secessionism?

When you say "secession," you think of South Carolina, or Alabama, or Mississippi, right? Visions of the Old South, "Lanterns on the Levee, " julips, fields of cotton and slaves, butternut-frocked generals, hoop skirts, and tales of the "lost cause?" Well, how about New England farmhouses, rocky fields, maple syrup, and ski lodges?

The town of Killington, Vermont voted overwhelmingly to secede from Vermont because the taxes are too high and the services miserable. The alternative? Join New Hampshire! "Other towns have been sitting back and waiting for Killington to break ground," said Jim Blackman, 46. "It is Killington's obligation to break that ground." "The state is treating us like a cash cow," said David Lewis, the town manager.

The town now plans to draft an appeal to NH Governor Craig Benson and the NH Legislature asking for public support of secession and incorporation into the Granite State. Then the VT Legislature has to approve Killington's appeal to leave. How fabulous is this for political entertainment? Now, what if Governor Benson and the Legislature approve of Killington, VT becoming Killington, NH? What will Vermont do? Say "no," and look rather bad, keeping a town that would rather leave, keeping it despite NH's willingness to take it, and keeping it rather obviously for the tax dollars it brings? Say "yes," and begin a stampede of other towns who are sick to death of paying high VT taxes and would rather "live free [and cheap] or die?"

Maybe this is an interesting way for towns around the country who are unhappy with civil unions and gay marriage to unite with states more favorable to their values. Find a state that you like, and secede. Now that's leverage!

Who knows, in a few years, if this works, there may not be a Vermont. Message to towns along the NH-Massachusetts border: are you sick of paying 5% sales tax? Are you tired of paying a state income tax? Have you considered the benefits...?

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