Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Partitioning Iraq?!?!

Over at Parapundit, a lot of time is being given to Steven Sailer's arguments in favour of partitioning Iraq.

Oh dear, is all I have to say to that idea. I mean, I know the Doc's favorite (former) Oxonian, Niall Ferguson, argues that America needs to realize that the burden of Empire is now resting upon its shoulders. But do we have to do so by copying some of the Old Empire's worst idea?

It all reminds me of a superb episode of Yes, Prime Minister, "A Victory for Democracy", in the course of which the Permanent Secretary for Foreign Affairs opines that they should have partitioned an island currently embroiled in civil war; after all, he says, that was invariably the Imperial policy, as seen in India, Cyprus, Ireland and Palestine. But didn't that lead to decades of warfare in India, Cyprus, Ireland and Palestine, asks Sir Humphrey, the Cabinet Secretary? Yes, it did, agrees the Permanent Secretary, but that meant they had no time to invade other countries.

If we are going to have an Pax Americana, could we do so by implementing a few American-tested ideas, like federalism? It even worked for the Swiss.

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