Tuesday, September 23, 2003

Clark as Trojan Horse

Andrew Sullivan has had some interesting observations on Wesley Clark and why Democrats are so crazy about him. They see him as a Trojan horse into which they can sneak the Clinton staff so that they can run the country again. Sullivan compares this to the Republican zeal for Colin Powell in '96. Who knows what he believes! Who cares! He can save us!

I guess. But it's of a piece with the Dean boom. I can't believe that Dean is going to lose his supporters. The mania for both Dean and then Clark shows how desperate rage against Bush drives Democrats across the increasingly narrow board of the Democratic party. Today's CNN poll showing that Clark is in a statistical deadheat with Bush will only fuel the zeal for Wesley Clark, Patriot King. Fine with me. He's going to have to do some pretty hard fighting against Dean, in both fundraising and in debates-- and he's going to have to be a lot more impressive than he's been since he declared. Until such time, he's just a retired general.

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