Wednesday, September 17, 2003

But don't you have to actually be a Democrat and respect the candidates to invite them into your house? I would think they'd be suspicious and sense a trap when they saw the dualing Warren G. Harding portraits in the living room, no?

Doc: "So why do you always want to take more of my money, Howard?"
Dean: "Well, I ... uh ...the rich should pay their fair share."
Doc: "Do you have vision problems? Have you looked around here? Does this look like the Breakers to you?"

Doc: "So what will be your response to the increase in terrorist attacks when you withdraw American troops from Iraq?"
Dennis: "We need dialogue, cultural understanding, and massive blobs of foreign aid to third world countries so they don't see terrorism as a viable response."
Doc: "One, haven't we been talking for decades? Has it done any good? Two, suicide bombing is not cultural. It's psychotic. Third, you mean like the hordes of poor sheiks in Saudi Arabia, because they look like a suffering bunch."

And I said the same thing to my wife this morning, when she asked me about Wesley Clark: "He's from Arkansas. Enough said."

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