Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Liberals Discover that Evangelicals Know About S-E-X

My spouse made a very good observation this evening: liberals are trying to exploit Bristol Palin's pregnancy because they think Christian conservatives will somehow be disillusioned by the idea of teenagers having sex. It will no doubt come as a surprise to the commentariat that religious conservatives know all about sex and even enjoy having it from time to time. Moreover, they know that children develop their own sexuality and will, from time to time, allow nature to get the better of their Sunday school lessons. As the wife said, "there's nothing new under the sun."

Of course she grew up in the northern Bible belt on a farm, where she learned early where the babies came from. She also saw a fair number of surprise pregnancies among teenagers and families of all kinds, including the local Old Order Mennonites. You know, the ones who drive buggies and eschew telephones. And in all these cases there was a regular order for handling the unexpected babies: the young people got married and raised them, and their families rallied to help hold the marriage together. If the father tried to skip out on his obligation, it usually resulted in some sort of public shaming. It's simple, really, in a world in which basic morality is upheld even when it isn't lived out perfectly.

My wife's other keen observation is how puritanical, even sexist, the Left's attacks on Sarah Palin have been. She shouldn't be running for office with a baby in-tow. Her daughter got pregnant because her mother was busy running the State of Alaska. Doesn't she know that a woman's place is in the home? This is what's really irksome about the modern feminist movement: if the shoe were on the other foot, there would not be a word of criticism over Palin's motherhood or her daughter's pregnancy. Anyone raising qualms on the subject would be beaten to a pulp with the media chanting from the sidelines with much tut-tutting about sex discrmination in American society. It just isn't fair. But as any good conservative will tell you, life isn't fair.


The Ombudsman said...

That Mrs. Potomac...she's sharp!

The Ombudsman said...

That Mrs. Potomac...she's sharp!