Thursday, February 03, 2005

President (Nancy) Reagan

Dr. Potomac wanted to take a moment out of a busy day saving the Republic to bring to readers' attention the CBS/Showtime production of The Reagans. Readers will recall that this had originally been intended for a CBS miniseries until an outcry among conservatives led to its exile on the Showtime network. Following the Hollywood adage that there's "no such thing as bad publicity" broadcast of The Reagans went on to lead that network to its highest ratings ever.

The Reagans is now available at your local Blockbuster Video Rental outlet for your viewing (dis)pleasure. At Dr. Potomac's Blockbuster on Capitol Hill, where one can stumble across a surprising number of very strange selections indeed, there was one copy of this video tucked in a very dusty corner. Because it is long (180 fun-loving minutes) it seemed a good choice for a snow day. As the Style Editor enjoys saying, "I seen my chance and I takes it!"

Despite its title, the movie is really about one Reagan -- and it isn't our former, beloved President. Pity the poor producer. He had no more idea about who Ronald Reagan was than, well, Edmund Morris. So, like Morris, he settled for a cartoon version of Ronald Reagan and turned to an easier subject, Nancy Reagan . Judy Davis' portrayal is enough to send any conflicted male directly to therapy. If Nancy Davis Reagan is anything like Judy Davis portrays her, Dr. Potomac would probably end up calling her "Mommy", too. Lover, Helpmate, Constant Customer of Astrologers and the Power Behind the Throne. A few scenes of note:

--Nancy's famous interview during Reagan's first term as governor with New York Times reporter, Joan Didion, or as Nancy calls her in the movie, "that bitch, Joan Didion." Nancy preens as the perfect mother and wife while a distracted, pre-adolescent Ron, Jr. turns up the classical music and begins pirouetting around the house setting the stage for years of family angst about whether Ron, Jr. was light in the loafers.

--Nancy tears into Jim Baker and Mike Deaver for not waking the President after Libyan jets attacked U.S. forces and then leaking the President's slumber to the media. "From now on," she growls from atop her heels, "if the media asks,'Does the President know about it?' the answer is, 'Yes, the President KNOWS about EVERYTHING."

--Nancy at the Geneva summit pouring tea while Raisa Gorbachev lectures her on the virtual servitude of American blacks and women and the absolute equality of women and minorities in the Soviet Union. To which Nancy replies, "Yes, there's total equality on the way to the Gulag" and then quickly to the interpreter, "Don't translate that!"

--Nancy at Patti Davis' wedding ceremony responding to Ron, Jr.'s inquiry, "Where's Michael [Reagan]?" To which, in her best "never-you-mind" tone, Nancy replies, "Oh, he didn't get his invitation in time." Huh. Wonder how that happened?

--Practically the best scene in the film has Nancy emasculating a quavering Don Regan, "I know you Don Regan. I see straight into your lying little heart." In the trade, this is known as the "Depends moment" as the chief of staff grapples to manage the full force of spousal fear and anxiety realizing that his next paycheck probably turns on the outcome.

All in all, a guilty pleasure to be enjoyed on a snowy afternoon. When it is over, your heart belongs to Mommy.

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