Tuesday, February 01, 2005

As the Ombudsman here at Doctor Curmudgeon & Co., I believe it's time for a little tidying-up around the joint.

This occurred to me when I was viewing our "referrals", and noted that one Gentle Reader had found Doctor Curmudgeon & Co. by typing into Google the following words: "James Fitzjames Stephen Insane".

[Hushed, shocked intake of breath. Straightening of the back.]

This is not the sort of Google search regarding the estimable Mr. Stephen with which any of us here at Doctor Curmudgeon & Co.--those of us who have actually read his work--would care to associate ourselves. Certainly not the Doc, who has been known to give out James Fitzjames Stephen's treatises for Christmas, Yom Kippur, Bar Mitzvahs, Pentecost, Flag Day, and any other holiday that suggests itself to his veritably Stephenesque mind.

Let that be noted for the record.

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