Monday, August 30, 2004

Way back when the Doc and I first met, we had a nice little spat over David Brooks' arguments for "National Greatness Conservatism". I was moderately in favour, the Doc was against.

Now here comes Herr Brooks once again, advocating what we might call "Hamiltonian Politics". This time I am more convinced that he's right, for 9/11 reasons. Back then it seemed that he was scurrying about for a great task to engage the nation. Now, like it or not, we have one.

It seems to me that this would be just the argument to make to the Center, completely closing out the "Michael Moore Democrats". But I think that the greatest mistake so far of the President and his administration has been their reluctance to make this a truly national fight. All in the interests, I am sure, of not spooking the economy.

It's not too late to think better of the American people.

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