Saturday, August 02, 2003

Hither and yon

Oh my. Seems federal money found its way into academic pockets to fund a study of how political conservatism is a dangerous social disease. Seems conservatives (typical ones, like Reagan, Mussolini, Limbuaugh, and Hitler -- no joke, the study said that) are anti-social, violent, and suffer from low esteem, anger, and fear. Seems I ought to be locked up, little did I know I was so neurotic. These types of misappropriation pop up every year, usually with the NEA and NEH rather than NIH and NIMH, yet how to prevent them? Libertarian elimination of federal grants seems a bit much, "baby with the bathwater" reaction. Yet better oversight has been the mantra since Mapplethorpe and Serrano in the 1980s.

The Anglican Communion is trotting to schism today, as they will probably approve Rev. Gene Robinson as the new Episcopal Bishop of New Hampshire. If the traditionalists fail to block it, there is talk of (1.) getting Canterbury to intervene, (2.) creating a new traditionalist North American province, or maybe (3.) aligning with a foreign province leaving Robinson and company to their own devices. A nice thorough overview of the ugly proceedings here.

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