Tuesday, August 19, 2003

And here is the best idea of the day! Move the virtually homeless Montreal Expos to Boston! Look, we (and by "we" I mean greater Boston, and by "greater Boston" I mean New England) had two teams through the 1952 season. Why not try it again? Boston and St. Louis are the best two major baseball cities in the US, perhaps the last two. Boston is a "baseball town." Despite the Patriots' Super Bowl win in 2001, the Red Sox are still the major attraction. So why not capitalize on a good thing, and make them the Boston Expos?

And don't you just love the "what would Jesus do?" questions that pop up? Remember the anti-SUV ads earlier this year, suggesting that Jesus wouldn't drive one, to which one wag cleverly retorted, "of course he would -- the 12 apostles couldn't fit into a smaller car!" Well, now the Governor of Alabama (a Republican, mind you) is suggesting that state income taxes be raised 22% to cover expenditures -- and that Jesus would do the same thing. Really?

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