Monday, August 25, 2008

So, like any good academic, I was listening to NPR, indeed to Fresh Air(!) with Terry Gross, and she is interviewing Beliefnet's Dan Gilgoff, who among other things writes the blog entitled "God-o-meter", and a very good read it is, too.

So, they're chatting about the Saddleback Forum, and Gilgoff reveals that Obama's campaign staff was really, really shocked at how well McCain did.  I mean, he was candid!  And revealing!  And was so comfortable in that setting!

I was flabberghasted at this flabberghastedness.  Where have these people been?  Haven't they watched McCain over the years on Letterman?  Haven't they seen him in town hall meetings?  Haven't they read any of his books?

It's enough to make you think that the Obama campaign is just a little, you know...arrogant.

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