Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Return of Mike Huckabee?

The Corner is saying (and Rich Lowry is urging) that McCain should take a second look at Governor Huckabee as veep. Although some conservatives would roll their eyes, I actually like the idea. In addition to all the reasons Lowry gives, Huckabee would also (1.) blunt any Southern strategy the Obama forces have (Huck polled fully 40% in the VA Repub primary), (2.) play awfully well in those "Hillary Democrat" areas of rural PA and OH, and (3.) check any "evangelical outreach" by the Dems.

And while he'd have his troubles versus Biden in any foreign policy discussion, the ex-Arkansas governor could run circles around him on nuts and bolts domestic issues like taxes, health care, education, infrastructure, etc.

He'd be the only candidate of the four to brag executive experience (Romney and Palin could play that card too).

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