Friday, April 16, 2004

Speaking of the Weird (and the downright horrifying)

Two more things from USA Today.

First, the mildly disturbing gardeners are worried about carbs. So worried that Burpee's, the venerable seed producer now has a vegetable carb count chart on their site.

That's madness, but this is downright horrifying:

"Bars are evoking childhood memories with potions that incorporate booze with classic candies, soda pops and/or pop-culture references. Luna Park restaurants in Los Angeles and San Francisco have introduced the "You're a Pepper" Dr. Pepper cocktail ($8) based on a soda from Dublin, Texas called "Texas Original" Dr. Pepper. (It's said to be the predecessor to today's familiar sweeter version.) Customers are presented with a doily-covered silver tray containing an 8-ounce bottle of the soda, a small glass of Absolut Vanilla vodka, a small glass of Monin's Organic Vanilla Syrup and a handful of Dr. Pepper-flavored Jelly Bellies. Imbibers are encouraged to mix their own.
'This is a celebration of the independence of being an adult for newly minted adults,' explains restaurant co-owner A. J. Gilbert.
Ok. Anyway, the trend is spreading: In Los Angeles, Blue on Blue bar offers drinks called Purple People Eater and A Walk in Space, and Lola's features the Red caramel Apple. Chicago's Bistro 110 has Le Pop Rocks Martini. And the New Twist in New York sells a Times Square Tootsie."
-Jerry Shriver, USA Today print edition

Reading things like this makes this adult stagger for the celebration of adult independence found in a stiff snort of the Cragganmore. I don't care if it is before noon. It's medicinal.

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