Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Setting the Record Straight

My chops are pretty much fully busted over my Battlestar Galactica post with both the Style Editor and the Ombudsman having taken their shots in public and in private. I would like it noted for the blog record, however, that both of my colleagues have indicated a strong interest in watching BG after reading the piece. The Style Editor has even added it to her Netflix queue. Geeks of a feather, in my book.


Anonymous said...

Science fiction is still one of the few genres that explore the questions of ultimate concern. Thanks for the tip... I'll give the new BG a try.

But now that Dr. Potomac has opened the door to tv reviews/criticism on this blog, might it be possible to have another Bright Critic contribute an occasional review of "Lost" episodes and whatever else this BC might be watching to Dr. C's blog? Especially if s/he promised to be sufficiently vituperative? I missed most of last night's episode and would like an update...

Dr. Potomac said...

Excellent notion. If there is sufficient second among the Founders, it will be done.