Wednesday, February 04, 2004

I accept the congratulations for my dear, dear beloved Patriots. They are the anti-Red Sox in every way.

Yet I also apologize for shirking on blog duties for lo' these past seven days. Now that semester has begun in earnest, lectures and class prep have taken the lionshare of my time. But here are a few things of interest:

The mere title of this caught my eye: Hitler's Welsh Girlfriend Revealed. What?

An Englishman's Castle has a lovely little paragraph about attending an English farmer's funeral in the Wiltshire Downs.

I picked up George Saintsbury's Second Scrap Book today, and it is even more pleasing than the first. For there can or should be few passages in life with greater capabilities than that when a man is for the first time almost his own master, for the first time wholly arbiter of whatsoever sports and whatsoever studies he shall pursue; and when he is subjected to influences, local, historical, sensual, and supersensual, such as might not only 'draw three souls out of one weaver,' but infuse something like one soul even into the stupidest and most graceless boys.

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