Wednesday, November 05, 2008

This is a question for Dr. Potomac, since he's on the ground in DC and I'm stuck in God-forsaken fly-over country.

I can understand why Adam Putnam is out of Republican leadership on the Hill, with Roy Blount right after him. But why is John Boehner hanging on? What has he done to improve the standing, organization, or public face of the Republican Party since he's been Minority Leader? Now, I don't know the Republican leadership all that well in the House, but from what I see and hear of Eric Cantor, give him a try as the new, young face of the Party. What about Thad McCotter?

Same with the Senate -- please don't tell me Mitch McConnell is remaining as Minority Leader. And frankly, most of the Senate Republican leadership is fairly moldy. How about a fresh face, at least a face fresh to most Americans. How about Richard Burr of North Carolina? John Thune of South Dakota? John Barrasso of Wyoming?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Boehner is an utter mystery to me. You don't win leadership elections without being clever but I've never gotten close enough to see him in action. I think I once wrote on the blog that he was all cynicism, whiskey and cigarettes.

The rest of the leadership is pretty uninspiring with the exception of McConnell who is one of the toughest and most principled SOBs on the Hill. As we saw in the election, that guy can take, and give, a punch.

Dr. P.