Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Back after a Thanksgiving respite "back East."

I've been reading Wyndham Lewis lately, a tough but interesting read. Has Mr. Soames spoken much about PWL? I can't remember. Some bits:

But whatever the special circumstances, with Rymer on board the ship would have ceased to be at peace. Such pacific bliss as I have dwelt upon would have been out of the question; politics, religion, and the itch-to-teach would have combined, a trinity of irritants, to sow disquiet in the ship from one end to the other ...

I hope the man of parts I write of is not disappearing beneath such elaboration: not this poor clergyman who forgets he has no money, who yearns for honor -- who certainly has dreamt of fame, but who dreams incessantly now of social justice and a new, bright, bossy, fraternal world -- a new Jerusalem. He comes from a part of England that has bred rebels like rabbits. His verse is of a wizard elegance, the song of a rather mechanically cheerful bird, on the highest and frostiest bough in a frost like the last frost of all, celebrating the winter of our discontent as though it were the morning of the world ...

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