Tuesday, November 18, 2003

Doing Neville Chamberlain proud

Well, good luck to the President over the next several days, winding his away around Britain, his heels being nipped by...by...what shall we call them? The Neville Chamberlain Society? The Baathists, Western Branch? Because the clear implication of their "ideas" -- if we can call them that -- is the continued rule of Hussein, complete with his dictatorial apparatus of prisons, secret police, ritual murder and rape, and torture chambers. In fact, what greater ally can brutal dictators and international terrorists have then the "Nevilles?" Skilled at making big puppets, their "ideas" are less creative, merely the thin skin of idealism covering a corrupt core of accomodation, retreat, and anti-Western self-hatred.

Perhaps the Bush visit can result in some good: (1.) the British disrespect could anger Americans into continued support for the President's positions, (2.) anger reasonable non-puppet making Britons into continued support for Blair, (3.) discredit the Nevilles by giving them the press coverage they so dearly want. Does anyone doubt there will be a few rather revealing anti-Israel, anti-Semitic placards in the throng?

Still, the Guardian has an interesting poll this morning, showing a trend of British frustration with the Nevilles, so perhaps the Bush visit will appall sufficient numbers of people into a backlash

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