Tuesday, May 11, 2004

I have been buried under a pile of final exams lately, so the posts have been few. But as the song goes, "I'm beginning to see the light."

A sensible column in today's Union-Leader decrying the New Prohibitionism of MADD: lowering the blood alcohol level any further will harm the "wine with dinner" drinkers, not the alcoholics who kill and maim.

And God bless Alex Beam in the Boston Globe for slapping down the ninny movie "Super Size Me" as an simplistic anti-business screed:

The truth is that if you were to eat a diet of exclusively foie gras, caviar, and champagne for 30 days you would trash your health just as surely as Spurlock trashed his. But truth -- along with his sex life -- is the first casualty in Spurlock's movie. The biggest lie of all is Spurlock's repeated claim that McDonald's has changed its menu as a result of his crusading expose.

And he brings up the fact (totally unknown to me) that the Competitive Enterprise Institute (where one of our blog compatriots once worked) did the same thing, except eating a more balanced and health-conscious menu from McDonald's, and actually lost weight and lowered their cholesterol. Read about it here.

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